This document serves as an index to the Domestic Apple Software Updates areas located on, AppleLink, America Online and the Internet. The first part of this article: Article Change History, lists the most recent changes to the Software Updates. The second part is an alphabetical list of the software updates, along with the current location.
Please search the Apple Tech Info Library using the string "Apple Software Updates" for a current list of online services to which Apple Software Updates are posted. (You can also use the special keyword: kol to search for this information and other on line related information in the Apple Tech Info Library.)
040 VM Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
32-Bit System Enabler 1.0.3 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
5xxx-6xxx Tester 1.0 - Macintosh -> Utilities
630 SCSI Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
8*24 GC Software 7.0.1 - Macintosh -> D-P
950 Color Addition 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
About PlainTalk 1.4.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Speech ->PlainTalk 1.4.1
Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1 - Macintosh -> Utilities
ADSP 1.5.1 - Macintosh -> N-C -> Comm Toolbox
AMK Spinning Cursor Bug Fix - Macintosh -> Utilities
APD 1.1.3 Update - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple CD-ROM 5.0.4 - Macintosh -> D-P
Apple Color Printer 1.0 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Apple Color SW Pro CMM 1.0 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Apple DocViewer 1.1.1 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple Event Manager 1.0.3 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Apple Guide Authoring Kit Offer - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple II SCSI Utilities - Apple II -> Apple II Supplemental
Apple II Startup Disk 2.2 - Macintosh -> N-C -> AppleShare
Apple II System Disk 3.2 - Apple II -> Apple II Supplemental
Apple II Video Overlay Card - Apple II -> Apple II Supplemental
Apple IIGS CD Setup 5.1 - Apple II -> Apple II Supplemental
Apple IIGS System 6.0.1 - Apple II -> Apple IIGS System 6.0.1
Apple Internet Router 3.0.1 Patch - Macintosh -> N-C -> Network Software Installer
Apple LAN Utility 1.0b4 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
Apple Memory Guide - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple Menu Options 1.02 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Apple Modem Tool 1.5.3 - Macintosh -> N-C -> Comm Toolbox
Apple Printer Utility 2.1.1 - Macintosh -> PTG -> LaserWriter
Apple Remote Access 2.0.1 Info - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA
Apple Spec 9-96 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple Spec 9-96v2 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Apple System Profiler 1.0.1 - Macintosh -> Utilities
ApplePhone 1.0.1 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
AppleScan 1.0.2 - Macintosh -> D-P
AppleSearch 1.0.1 Patch - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
AppleSearch 1.5.1 Patch - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
AppleShare 3.0.3 Patch - Macintosh -> N-C -> AppleShare
AppleShare 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 - Macintosh -> Updater Net-Comm -> AppleShare
AppleShare 4.2 Upgrade Info - Macintosh -> N-C -> AppleShare
AppleShare Setup 1.0.1 - Macintosh -> Utilities
AppleShare Tune-Up 4.0.1 - Macintosh -> N-C -> AppleShare
AppleTalk ADSP Tool 1.0 - Macintosh -> N-C -> Comm Toolbox
AppleTalk Image Writer 7.0.1 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
AppleVision Fix 1.1 - Macintosh -> D-P
AppleVision Fix 1.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> System 7.5 Update 2.0
AppleVision Fix 1.1 Info - Macintosh -> SYS -> Older SYS -> For System 7.5.2 and 7.5.3
AppleVision Software 1.0.2 - Macintosh -> D-P
ARA 1.0 Client Enabler - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> Other ARA Software
ARA 1.0 Original Scripts - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA 1.0 Original Scripts
ARA 1.0 User Scripts - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA 1.0 User Scripts
ARA 2.0 Original Scripts - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA 2.0 Original Scripts
ARA 2.0 User Scripts - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA 2.0 User Scripts
ARA Client 2.1 Updater - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA Updates
ARA MP Server 2.1 Patches - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA Updates
ARA PS 2.1 Updater - Macintosh -> N-C -> ARA -> ARA Updates
AS Custom Settings 1.0 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
ASFU Fixer 1.0.1 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Assistant Toolbox 1.0.1d1 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
At Ease 2.0.3 Update - Macintosh -> SYS -> At Ease
At Ease Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> At Ease
At Ease WG 3.0.3 Updater - Macintosh -> SYS -> At Ease
At Ease 3 CDROM Prefs Patch - Macintosh -> SYS -> At Ease
At Ease-IDE Utility Disk 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> At Ease
Audio Volume 1.1 Installer - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
AudioVision Installer 1.0.2 - Macintosh -> D-P
AV Serial Extension 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
AWS 95 Tune-Up 1.0 - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
AWS 95 Tune-Up 2.0 - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
Backgrounder 1.3 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Backlight Control 1.0 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Basic Color Monitor (1.0) - Macintosh -> D-P
Basic Connectivity Set 1.1.1 - Macintosh -> N-C -> Comm Toolbox
Battery Tools 2.0 - Macintosh -> PowerBook -> Other PB SW
Cache Switch 7.0.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
CD-ROM Software 5.1.7 - Macintosh -> D-P
Chinese Lang. Kit Updater - Macintosh -> SYS -> Language Kits
Chooser 7.3 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
CISMAIL.ZIP - Newton -> For DOS-Windows -> ONU
Color Classic Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Color Laser Writer 8.3.2 - Macintosh -> PTG -> LaserWriter
Color StyleWriter 1500 2.2 (3 disk images) - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing Color StyleWriter 2500 2.2 (3 disk images) - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing Color SW Pro 1.5.2 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Color SW Pro GX 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> QuickDraw GX
Color SW Pro GX `.0 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Colorsync 2.0 Plug-ins - Macintosh -> Utilities
ColorSync 2.1.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Compatibility Checker 2.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Older SYS -> For System 7.1.x
CompuServe Mail for Newton 2.0 - Newton -> For MacOS -> ONU
Cyberdog 1.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Net-Comm -> Cyberdog
CPU Energy Saver 1.0.6 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
DART 1.5.2 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Desktop Printing 2.0 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Direct Dialup 1.1.1 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Direct Dialup Mail 1.1.2 - Macintosh -> SYS -> PowerTalk
Disk Copy 4.2 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Disk First Aid 7.2 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Disk Image Mounter 1.0.1 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Display Card 24AC 1.2 - Macintosh -> D-P
Display Software 2.0.2 - Macintosh -> D-P
Document Converter 1.0.4 - Macintosh -> Utilities
DOS Compatibility 1.5 - DOS & Windows -> DOS Compatibility
Drive Firmware Update 1.2 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Drive Setup 1.0.5 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Duo Battery Patch 1.0 - Macintosh -> PowerBook -> Other PB SW
EM Sound Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
English Speech Recognition - Macintosh -> SYS -> Speech ->PlainTalk 1.4.1
English Text-to-Speech - Macintosh -> SYS -> Speech ->PlainTalk 1.4.1
Ethernet Built-In 1.0.2 - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
Express Modem 1.5.5 - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
Finder Scripting Ext 1.2 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Other System
Font Extension 3 1.0.4 - Macintosh -> SYS -> Language Kits -> Font Extension 3 1.0.4
Full MegaPhone Manual - Macintosh -> N-C -> Apple Telecom
GeoPort/Express Modem 3.0 Updater -> Macintosh -> N-C -> Apple Telecom
GlobalFax 2.5.2P Update - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC
GrayShare Update 1.0 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
Graphics Accelerator 1.0.7 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
GX 1.1.3 Net Install - Macintosh -> SYS -> QuickDraw GX
HC 2.3.5 Stacks.sea - Macintosh -> Utilities
HC 2.3.5 Update Installer - Macintosh -> Utilities
HC 2.3.5 Updater - Macintosh -> Utilities
HCIIGS 1.1 - Apple II -> HyperCard IIGS 1.1
HideEworld - Newton -> For MacOS -> ONU
HyperCard Player 2.3.5 - Macintosh -> Utilities
HyperMover.IIGS - Apple II -> HyperCard IIGS
HyperMover.Mac - Apple II -> HyperCard IIGS
HyperScan 2.0.1 - Macintosh -> D-P
Ignore Dialtone 1.0.fc1 - Macintosh -> Unsupported
ImageWriter 7.0.1 - Macintosh -> PTG -> Other Printing
IMF & DT Disk Images - Macintosh -> SYS -> System Enablers
Intelligent Battery Update 1.0.3 - Macintosh -> PowerBook -> Other PB SW
Internal HD Format 1.3 - Macintosh -> Utilities
Internet Router 3.0.1 Patch - Macintosh -> N-C -> ONC